2019 – My Photography Year in Review
I’m a big believer in looking back, but only to see how far you’ve come. What goals did you set at the beginning of the year that you managed to keep? What things didn’t you plan for that you took on anyway? I sometimes feel we often forget the successes we’ve had over the year until we look at them in this way.
As such, one of my favourite things to do is to look back on the year that was had, and make a note of how far I travelled and what changed. In 2018, I’d planned to blog more. And I posted 5 blog posts, not such a successful accomplishment. In 2019, I made the commitment to actually make this a reality, and I posted consistently most weeks. A much more successful attempt!
Each year seems to pass with growing speed the older I get, and 2019 was no exception. I feel in some ways I let it pass by without truly appreciating it. Something I hope to do make sure I do this year; appreciate it. 2019 for me was about trusting my instincts and going for things if they felt right. 2020 will be more about making a commitment to see those things through.
What a year – The Best Moments of 2019
One thing I recommend everyone to do is to make a list of their 2019 accomplishments, no matter how big or small. If it’s something you’re proud you achieved, list it! You’ll find there’s loads there to be thankful for and it’ll make you realise what an awesome year you really did have. If it wasn’t the best year for you, listing out the good, will help you find something positive to take from the year. Here’s mine:
- I actually stuck to my blogging schedule
- Sent out monthly newsletters (most months!)
- I invested in various coaching programmes and courses to better my knowledge and expertise.
- I added in Spin to my weekly rota with Yoga & Body Balance (and even attended a Christmas party for the spin lot!)
- As a result of my additional workouts, I lost 2 stone.
- Went to a talk by one of the worlds best Wedding Photographers
- Saw a few more of my favourite bands, including one I’ve seen 3 years in a row with my best friend.
- Tried a dance class, which I sucked at but loved. I went for 4 weeks before it was sadly cancelled 🙁
- Invested in a new camera and laptop
- Tried some new things and photographed some art work
- Photographed a charity ball for my local hospital
- Oh, Finally and most importantly… I GOT A DOG!!!

Risco, the Spanish Cocker Cross Rescue Pup
Okay so I know you all read that list, and thought there is only one thing you want to know more about. The dog. I know, I get it. This is Risco. He’s from Spain. He was living in the Limiñón pound for about five months. Before that, we have no idea. He’s thought to be around nine years old, and he’s amazing. Seriously, the best dog ever.
I’m sure most people say that about their dogs, but really. He’s been living with us for coming up to three months and we’ve heard him bark twice, he rarely licks, and sometimes I’m sure I can hear him purring. He could of been a cat in another life. He’s happiest on what we call the swivel chair. Y’know those big round sofa chairs, we’ve got one of those and we swear he thinks it’s a giant dog bed!
What does 2020 hold?
Well, 2020 is going to hold lots of dog walks, obviously. He’ll be my little office assistant, and will help me make this year one to remember for sure! I even have a wedding couple who want me to bring him to a meeting! 😀
So the year of commitment, it means committing to those things I’ve been saying I’ll do for ages, but have been putting them off and off. It means going for things when you think they’re impossible. Already off to a good start there, I went to a Body Pump class Monday morning. My arms no longer feel like they’re attached to my body!
But ultimately realising I can do anything I set my mind to, as can you. So I hope to take lots of gorgeous photos, spend time with my two favourite boys (yep the man and the pup), continue giving my clients a great experience and making my photography business the best it can possibly be.
Here’s to 2020, may it be a good one for you all!

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