I just wanted to take this week to talk about family photography. You see, it’s not typically a necessity. And it’s not at the top of most people’s priorities when it comes to their children. It’s a luxury. To be able to have professional photographs taken of our families, especially with the technology we all currently have at our fingertips. Cameras on our phones mean we no longer have to carry cameras wherever we go. And we can capture moments in time at a rather alarming rate. Estimates suggest that more than 1 trillion photographs were taken in 2018, with the advent of digital camera phones that are only increasing in quality.
So Is Professional Family Photography Still Important?
Well of course I suppose I’m a bit biased. I love photography. I love the quality, the styles, the effects, the difference that having a professional photo makes. And I love being able to give that to others. Photographs I’ve captured of their families, friends, loved ones, pets. I think it’s important and here’s why.
Professional Family Photography Screams Quality
It’s great to have a professional quality to your images, to have some you can hang on the wall that aren’t all grainy and blurry. Not only that you can blow them up without things looking terrible! Camera phones are so cool, and it’s awesome to have a camera with you everywhere you go. But they’re not the best. Don’t get me wrong they are ever improving and in perfect lighting conditions, you’ll take some pretty good shots.
But photography is a combination of:
A) Capturing some photos with everyone in the family present! Selfies are great, but hardly wall worthy.
B) Knowing what makes a good moment and how to capture your relationship.
C) Knowing the settings you should use to capture that moment.
The background blurring dreamily out of focus isn’t something photographers do because that’s what a fancy camera does, it’s how they set it up to take a photo to look like that. Using the right equipment, i.e. fast lenses and knowing what the camera does in order to take a photo a certain way.
Think of the Future Generations
Okay so you have kids right, and your kids will someday have kids. Do you love looking through old photographs and showing them to your children of your parents and grandparents? I bet you do. It’s fun to reminisce. To look back at how different things were from one time or another.
Now answer me this, do you look at those photos and think your mum should of waited to loose a few extra pounds before the having the photos taken? That dad should of cut his hair different? NO! Who has ever looked at a family photo and thought anything other than back to that time. Putting it off for one reason or another is just that, putting it off. Put it off enough the kids will have moved out and there’ll not be an awful lot to look back on.
I come from a family that doesn’t have many photos, we have a few. But not really any professional ones. Probably twice in my childhood did I have professional photos taken. Now wherever we go if there’s a pro photographer you can be sure I’m purchasing some photos.
But I’ve also fallen in the trap of waiting until I’ve lost some weight before getting some professional photos done of myself and my other half. Many a time. And now it makes me sad that for our ten year plus relationship we’ve had one professional photo shoot, some professional photos from holidays, and I’ve taken a couple.
So, Family Photography is important?
I’m passionate about creating these moments. I love to do it, and I wish everyone wanted them done. They’re not cheap and they aren’t a necessity. But they are one of the best things you’ll look back on. The best things your kids will look back on, and maybe even someday their kids too. Yeah, I think that’s pretty important.

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